Tuesday, December 11, 2012
for my project i dicided to people watch to see if their were any differences in the way people treat black Americans. For my first experiment i dicided to go to the mall because i feel like its the best place to people watch. so i sat in macy's for a while with my mom to see if the people would attend to differnt races especially black americans differently. I wanted to find out if the workers treat all the people with the same enthusiasm and respect. From my experiment i realized that the lady's working in the shoe department would usually ask a white male if they needed help first. i observed that they didnt attend to black americans and other minority groups the same way they did for whites. i still have to go to different places to find more results.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
so this week i tried to think of all the survey questions i could ask people about what they think about discrimination against black Americans From this i have came to the conclusion that i has to be nutso for thinking anyone would answer honestly if they have discriminated. so i thought of a new project and i am going to people watch. i am going to go to different stores and see up close and personal how workers treat black and white customers differently. i will try to see different age groups and go to different places. my mom said she would bring me into her work also to see how people are treated differently in the hospital.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
i think that i am going to do a number of surveys to different groups of people. i am going to give them to 3 different age groups. one to a child, one to a middle aged person, and one to an elderly person. in the survey i am going to ask if they have ever experienced racism against black Americans if they have ever been racist or if they have seen it. and if they have seen it. i am curious to find out if racism has changed at all over the generations.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
My research method
My topic is racism against black Americans. I am very interested in finding out how much people actually know about current racism or if people have experienced it. That is why i am going to do a survey. I want to find out if other people are interested in this topic, and if people believe something needs to be done about racism. i also wanted to do the naturalistic observation method, but i feel like in the area we live in i will not learn much. i feel like people are more secretive and polite about their thoughts on other races.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
tonight i watched a video about a boy who was brutally beaten because he was white. the attackers were a black and Asian man who were apparently angry about slavery. The sad truth is that i do not know if america will ever be fully safe and moral. It is crazy how people can hold a grudge against an entire group of people. it is really scary to think that there are still people out there who have such hate in them to beat a teenage boy. video
Thursday, October 18, 2012
tonight i watched a video about tiger woods. the video was supposed to be about how tiger woods was cheating on his wife, but then they got into a heated debate about how black women feel intimidated when black men marry white women. one one side they argued it does not matter at all what race you are. on the other side they said that no matter what you say that black women are just goin to be intimidated no matter what anyone says. personally i think it is stupid because i do not think that it is true. a women is a woman no matter what race they are. i know plenty of gorgeous black women and white women also. the truth is women are just going to get insecure if their husband is cheating on them period! it has nothing to do with the color of their skin.video
Thursday, October 11, 2012
when i walk through the city i see all different kinds of people. When i am in the city i see people violate norms more then any other place i have ever been. it is almost normal to be different. That is why i was very surprised when i read an article about how the New York Fire Department discrimates against African Americans. i would think in the city it would be hard to discriminate against anyone because everyone is so diverse and different. apparently the fire department makes it much harder for black Americans to get a job there. thye make the standaards and regulations harder. But, the judge said their is not enough evidence but, according to this article "“thousands of thousands of black men and women who should have had this job and didn’t get it.” article!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
racism against blacks
i watched a video that talks about the problem of police men being racist against blacks. the video makes it almost comical because it is so obvious that they are racist.They say that they are always looking for black Americans holding anything, and saying it looks like a gun. A man was holding a wallet and the police shot him because they thought he was holding a gun. to make fun of the police men this man painted a lot f wallets orange to make sure police men would see the difference between a weapon and a wallet. this video is comical but it addresses a huge problem. police men always look for a black american doing something wrong. they stereo type. video
Charissa Venice
today i read an article about stereo types. the article talked about how different ethnicity are viewed. it stated that a lot of minority groups are viewed negatively by Caucasian people.i was surprised that according to statistics 50 percent of people said they view black Americans as violent. 59 percent said that African american lack discipline.but 57 percent of people had a positive outlook on black Americans saying they were hard working. i think that positive or negative it is still racist because people are stereo typing a certain group. I was surprised they even still have stuff like this on the internet.
Sep 27, 2012 - Limited
today i read a really interesting article about statistics that are all about racism. the article covers what each different ethnicity thinks about other races especially blacks as of income life expectancy crimes etc. from the article i learned that the most wide spread racism is against black Americans Racism against white people was the least wide spread. the thing that mostly confuses me is that we have come so far with the problem f racism, but it is still is s hurtful to so many individuals. we even have a black president. i do not really understand why people still think they could be better then someone else when we literally have a black person running out country. i think one of the main problems is stereo types and resentment.
A majority of Americans, including a majority of whites, Hispanics, and blacks, say racism against blacks is widespread in the United States. At the same time, a substantial minority of Americans say ...
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Housing discrimination
i read an article about how Black Americans are discriminated against when it comes to housing, insuring, and selling. I was very surprised hen i read the article because i do not understand how people are still like that. i also do not understand how people could get away with pricing more on a house for black Americans legally. the article also said how people with disabilities filed the second highest number of claims and then after them is Hispanics.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Racism againts black american
My topic is racism against black americans. I chose this topic because ever since i was little it always boggles my mind that people could be so cruel to someone because of their skin color. I was always interested in learning about famous black American heroes like Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King junior. i chose this topic becasue i want to learn more about how racism still exists today and what we can do to make it a better place to live for everyone.
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