Thursday, September 13, 2012

Housing discrimination

i read an article about how Black Americans are discriminated against when it comes to housing, insuring, and selling. I was very surprised hen i read the article because i do not understand how people are still like that. i also do not understand how people could get away with pricing more on a house for black Americans legally. the article also said how people with disabilities filed the second highest number of claims and then after them is Hispanics. 


  1. Wow charissa! I never even heard of that before. I am also shocked that it costs more for a black person to buy a house. You would think that racism would be completely over with in this day in age. I really wonder why they have to pay more though... do you think their is a certain reason, other then their ethnicity?

  2. I was very surprised by your blog! I didn't know that this type of discrimination was around anymore! It's so unfair to think that certain people don't have as many rights as others because of something as petty as skin color.
